They are the networkers in a smart factory: Our autonomous mobile assistance systems network the individual production and assembly processes. As cyber-physical systems, they always have all relevant data on board.
Are you familiar with the advantages of our tried-and-tested drive unit and automation solutions for stationary materials handling technology? Working with the maximum in flexibility and scalability enables you to rely on SEW-EURODRIVE's self-propelled mobile systems - in combination with outstanding properties in terms of safety for processes, plants, systems and personnel.
Due to the numerous extension functionalities and interfaces, these systems are able to provide optimum support and relieve people in logistics and production processes, in addition to simple transportation tasks. Assembly assistants function, for example, as intelligent and ergonomic workbenches, handling assistants assist by utilizing a collaborating robot.
At the same time, they share "perfect understanding" with the other mobile vehicles. They move autonomously, communicate with one another, and share data. Swarm intelligence is what the innovative decentralized control technology is called, with which the multiple mobile assistance systems can operate as an intelligent complete system .
What we offer for continuous, integrated human-technology cooperation
Automated guided vehicles for production and distribution logistics
The ideal helpers for autonomous logistical tasks. The robust vehicles move pallets, racks or other load carriers up to 1500 kg.
Prepare your incoming and outgoing goods for the futureAutomated guided vehicles for assembly
Interactive instructions for assembly sequences allow for optimal human-machine interaction. The moving, ergonimically adjustable workbench.
Support your employees with the mobile workbenchAutomated guided vehicles: Concept study
The integrated, cooperative robot gripper arm perfectly supports human capabilities and reduces physical strain on your employees.
Let us support you in your assembly and joining processesMOVITRANS® for Automated guided vehicle systems
Automated guided vehicles are supplied with energy without contact. Both while driving and when stationary.
Thanks to contactless inductive energy transmission, the transport vehicle is wear- and maintenance-free.No suitable system available? Then we adapt it for you!
Modular system
Not having the right vehicle? Put together your individual vehicle
Customer-specific solutions
No standard fits? We also realise customised solutions for your mobile assistance systems.
Benefit from total solutions from a single source