• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum advice and support.
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Your benefits

Increased productivity
MOVITRANS® offers maximum system reliability and is wear-free and maintenance-free

Easy to configure
With its individual system components, MOVITRANS® can be easily adapted to suit changing system tasks and modifications

Cut costs
MOVITRANS® increases system availability and minimizes maintenance requirements in the long term

MOVITOOLS® engineering software MOVIVISION® plant software MultiMotion motion control platform

Reliable contactless power supply system with our own MOVITRANS® system solution

Do your systems span lengthy distances? Meaning that you need to transport your goods at high speed? Do you want to avoid contamination caused by energy transfer in contamination-sensitive areas?

Then MOVITRANS® is the perfect power supply system for you. It operates on the principle of inductive energy transfer. Electrical energy is transferred from a fixed conductor to one or more mobile consumers without contact. Time-consuming, cumbersome drag-chain systems have become a thing of the past.

The electromagnetic connection is made via an air gap and is maintenance-free and wear-free. This contactless energy supply enables high speeds of more than 10 m/s. And as line cables are routed under the floor, there are no longer any obstacles disrupting transverse traffic.

Another major advantage: this type of power supply is emission-free and resistant to contamination. The system does not produce any noise emissions either. All of this contributes significantly to higher productivity levels, as maintenance and installation are more efficient.

Cost savings on project planning, assembly, and startup

Achieve cost efficiencies thanks to our lean, compelling system design, from simple track segmentation to flexible track design with curves and points. Fast, easy assembly also cuts costs, as only two cables have to be routed along the travel distance.

The use of the MOVITOOLS® engineering software means that starting up and using the technology is extremely simple.

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Comprehensive and unit-independent

  • Technology is based on the principle of inductive energy transfer
  • Contactless transfer of electrical energy from a fixed conductor to one or more mobile consumers
  • Electromagnetic connection is made via an air gap and is maintenance-free and wear-free
  • Contactless energy transfer system is emission-free and resistant to contamination
  • Simple operating principle with significant practical benefits in system operation

Perfect for materials handling

MOVITRANS® comprises both stationary and mobile system components. These can be integrated into existing automation systems quickly and easily.

If the line cable is routed on or under the floor, flat pick-ups are used. The air gap between the line cable and the pick-up can be up to 20 mm. This enables high transmission power even in situations where the pick-up does not always occur at a constant distance above the line cable.

U-shaped pick-ups are required if there is limited installation space available, or if the operator wishes to replace an existing conductor rail system with a contactless energy transfer system. In such cases, the line cable is always routed in a profile section system. As the U-shaped pick-up "surrounds" the cable, it can achieve very high transmission power in proportion to its compact size. The air gap between line cable and pick-up is about 10 mm in all directions.

More about MOVITRANS®   (PDF, 79 KB)

System components for the stationary section of your system

TPS stationary converter

  • Control cabinet installation with integrated fan
  • Power: 4.0 kW or 16.0 kW
  • Line voltage USupply system: 380 V – 500 V ± 10 %
  • Degree of protection: IP20 (4 kW) or IP10 (16 kW)

TAS transformer module

  • Power: 4.0 kW or 16.0 kW
  • Current strength: IA: 60 A or 85 A
  • Degree of protection: IP10

TVS connection distributor

  • Degree of protection: IP65
  • Output current: 60 A or 85 A

TCS compensation box

  • Degree of protection: IP65
  • Output current: 60 A or 85 A
  • Compensates a track length of 25 m to 30 m

Floor routing of TLS medium-frequency cable

  • Double cable jacket
  • Output current: 60 A or 85 A
  • Line cross section: 25 mm2, 41 mm2

Installation components for TIS line cable routing

  • Holding fixture for profile section
  • Flexible or rigid profile section
  • 8 mm2 cross section of TLS medium-frequency cable inserted into profile section
  • 6 x 6 mm2 cross section of TLS supply cable (not shown in figure)

System components for mobile transport units

THM10E flat pick-up

  • Power: 1.5 kW
  • Degree of protection: IP65

THM10C U-shaped pick-up

  • Nominal power: 0.8 kW
  • Peak power: 0.9 kW
  • Degree of protection: IP65

TPM12B mobile converter

  • Nominal output power:
    • When 4 THM10C units are connected: max. 3.6 kW
    • When 2 THM10E units are connected: max. 3.0 kW
  • Output voltage: DC 500 V
  • Additional output voltage: 24 V, max. 2 A
  • Degree of protection: IP65

Connection cable (hybrid cable) for TPM12B output

  • Input side with plug connector
  • Output side open with conductor end sleeves