• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum support and advice.
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Your benefits

Integrate safety
our safety and logic modules permanently mitigate operational risks and sources of danger in your system

Simple expansion
because the safety architecture for each system can be extended with the practical modular design

Increase productivity
by getting rid of supplementary external protective devices

Exploit compatibility
because the UCS..B modules are equally compatible with all our drive inverters

Plan for the long-term
thanks to the long service life of our safety components of up to 20 years

Functional safety in control cabinets UCS50B and UCS51B logic modules for multi-axis applications

Implement maximum system safety in a practical modular design

The legislator accepts no compromises for drive safety. All systems must be operated so that risks are minimized. Functional safety must be the top priority. Our safety and logic modules are designed to perform precisely these tasks. They are ideal for operating any new or existing system. The modules are designed to allow them to safely monitor up to 2 axes, or up to 12 axes for multi-axis modules, thanks to the integrated axis monitoring functionality.

Our efficient safety and logic modules provide a range of diverse application options as a result of their integrated protection functions. They are designed for easy installation into any control cabinet.

We provide compact modules with up to 2 axes and multi-axis modules with up to 12 axes for maximum safety in your system:

  • UCS10B safety module
  • UCS10B/PS safety module: PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS DP/PROFINET IO
  • UCS11B safety module
  • UCS11B/PS safety module: PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS DP/PROFINET IO
  • UCS12B safety module
  • UCS12B/PS safety module: PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS DP/PROFINET IO
  • UCS26B communication module for optional PROFIBUS DP communication
  • UCS27B communication module for optional PROFINET IO communication

Our modular MOVISAFE® UCS10B and MOVISAFE® UCS10B/PS safety solutions let you install modern safety technology directly in the control cabinet. The 56 safe digital inputs and up to 23 safe digital outputs ensure optimal operational safety in your system architecture.

With their axis monitoring functionality designed for a single axis, the UCS11B and UCS11B/PS safety modules ensure that your system remains under control at all times. The innovative product features support a smooth operation and provide a high degree of flexibility.

The UCS12B and UCS12B/PS safety modules let you reliably monitor the functional safety of up to 2 axes. This systematically reduces the risks in your system during operation and maintenance. The easy, control cabinet-based installation directly in the MOVIDRIVE® B application inverter, MOVITRAC® standard inverter and the MOVIAXIS® let you safely drive various axes.

The integrated logic processing for the freely connecting inputs and outputs and PROFIsafe communication via PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET I/O, ensure that our safety modules provide maximum safety for sophisticated process tasks. If you just want to port diagnostic information via PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO, you can modularly expand the UCS26B and UCS27B communication modules accordingly.

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Modular safety in every frequency and drive inverter – with MOVISAFE®

  • Integrated logic processing for freely connecting input/output axis monitoring functionality:
  • Safety functions according to IEC 61800-5-2:
  • PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO for all UCS..B safety modules
  • Extensible with input/output modules:

Range of applications for UCS..B safety and logic modules in control cabinet drive technology

  • Scara robot
  • Application stacker crane
  • Handling gantries
  • Special machine design
  • Palletizers