Condition Monitoring Service

Condition monitoring – individual and systematic

Condition Monitoring Service

Condition monitoring is based on systematically determining the condition of all drive technology and drive automation.

We create and implement entire concepts for you, from initial consulting and designing of the optimal analysis method to installation and diagnostics. This approach includes measurement, interpretation and visualization of defined parameters that are then forwarded to your maintenance system. Targeted evaluations require the appropriate expertise and the right sensors – this is easy with SEW-EURODRIVE on your side. We compare the measurements to reference values we have collected throughout the years – this enables you to act instead of react.

The following services can be combined individually:

  • Thermal imaging of control cabinets and drive components
  • Examination with an inspection scope for gear unit diagnostics
  • Visual inspection of drive technology
  • Load state analysis
  • Analysis of device-specific environmental conditions
  • Current consumption measurement
    and many others

Your benefits

  • Reduced storage costs

    by reducing spare parts inventory and storage as well as by targeted material procurement.
  • Increased productivity

    by fully utilizing system capacity.
  • High system availability

    by wear-oriented maintenance and repairs as well as by being able to schedule downtime.
  • Higher operational safety

    by constant analysis and inspection of the machines and systems being monitored.

Diagnostic units

Time is money and maintenance is certainly no exception, so take advantage of the ideal product/service combination with drive technology diagnostic units from the modular CDS® system.

Diagnostic unit: DUO, Diagnostic Unit Oil Aging

Gear unit oil diagnostics through thermal analysis


  • The perfect sensor to determine the remaining life of the gear unit oil and reliably indicate the right time for an oil change
  • A thermal sensor installed in the gear unit measures the oil temperature and sends this information to an evaluation unit, which then calculates the time remaining until the next oil change for the specified oil type
  • The diagnostic unit takes into account the oxidation characteristics of the different oils under thermal loading


  • Reduces oil costs
  • Full utilization of the oil service life
  • Startup can be performed directly on the diagnostic unit (without PC)
  • Simple identification and reading of the time remaining until the next oil change
  • 5 different oil types can be configured
  • A warning message is issued if predefined limit values such as the maximum oil temperature are exceeded
  • Permanent monitoring of oil aging
  • Maintenance intervals can be planned individually

NEW: Diagnostic unit option /DUE, Diagnostic Unit Eddy Current

Brake diagnostics through continuous functional and wear monitoring


  • Ideal sensor to monitor the wear and proper functioning of the brake (BE../ BF.. / BT..)
  • Measuring system for contactless monitoring of the working air gap
  • A single sensor reliably monitors both the correct functioning of the brake and the wear of the lining


  • Brake lining wear can be detected in good time
  • Reliable brake function monitoring
  • Contactless and thus wear-free measuring system
  • Direct evaluation via an SEW-EURODRIVE frequency inverter with corresponding error protocol
  • Can be used in damp conditions up to IP66
  • Maintenance intervals can be planned individually according to wear

Diagnostic unit option /DUB, Diagnostic Unit Brake

Brake monitoring


  • Ideal sensor to monitor the wear and proper functioning of the brake
  • The voltage-dependent signal can be evaluated by an SEW-EURODRIVE frequency inverter or a higher-level controller
  • Two sensors can reliably monitor both the correct functioning of the brake and the wear of the lining


  • Brake lining wear can be detected in good time
  • Reliable brake function monitoring
  • The condition signal of the microswitch can be implemented as a normally closed (monitoring wear) or normally open (monitoring proper functioning) contact
  • Direct evaluation via an SEW-EURODRIVE frequency inverter with corresponding error protocol
  • Can be used in damp conditions up to IP65
  • Self-cleaning contacts inside the sensor
  • Maintenance intervals can be planned individually according to wear
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Condition Monitoring Service

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Condition Monitoring Service video

Watch an short animated video to learn what our Condition Monitoring Service could mean to you.


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